November Gardening Tips for Fayetteville, NC: Prepping for a Cozy, Southern Winter

November Gardening Tips for Fayetteville, NC: Prepping for a Cozy, Southern Winter In Fayetteville, NC, November brings a blend of warm days and cool nights, giving us a final window to prep our gardens for winter while adding a touch of seasonal beauty. Here are some tailored tips to keep your garden in top shape

Ambrosia Beetle Prevention

Ambrosia Beetle Prevention (Photo from Gardening Know How) Have you ever had a fruit tree just die? It can leave you scratching your head, wondering what went wrong. Did you happen to notice worm-like sawdust protruding from the trunk of the tree? The culprit may be the ambrosia beetle. Read on to learn more about

Gardening Activities to Keep Us Busy

Gardening Activities to Keep Us Busy   This is an unprecedented time in our lives. While most people are stuck at home, there are many things in and around your yard that can be accomplished that are perfect for the spring season. Join Jane, as she describes gardening activities to keep us busy during this

Green Side Up Greenhouse Tour

Green Side Up Greenhouse Tour Come take a tour through our three-bay greenhouse located at 3783 Wilmington Highway in Fayetteville, NC! In this Green Side Up greenhouse tour, you will find an abundance of tropicals and houseplants. Houseplants are stocked year round. In the greenhouse, you will find sansevieria, monstera, air plants, cacti and succulents,

Can’t Cut This

Can’t Cut This It is the season to start putting our gardens to bed. Plants that are beginning to look bedraggled need a good cutting. I know it’s hard to do sometimes but cutting back plants like hostas and lilies allow them to send all their energy to the roots. Strong roots equal strong plants.

Fall Planting: Soil Amendment

Fall planting isn’t always just about picking flowers we also need to know about soil amendment. In the Sandhills of Fayetteville North Carolina we have to understand the composition of our soil. We have a very sand soil that often lacks the nutrients little roots need to grow healthy and strong.  In this video we

Oh My Grass! – A short guide to ornamental grasses

Ornamental Grasses How does ornamental grass grow? She’s back! That’s right; Jane is here and ready to take your call. Today, we talk about Ornamental Grass and how it grows.  Jane will discuss proper sun and shade necessity for each plant. She will tell us how large these grasses will become at their mature size