Buzzing Beauties: Top 5 Pollinators for Fayetteville, NC Gardens

Buzzing Beauties: Top 5 Pollinators for Fayetteville, NC Gardens Welcome to Fayetteville, NC, where the air is filled with the gentle hum of pollinators dancing from flower to flower. In a world where pollinator populations are declining, it’s more important than ever to create gardens that attract and support these vital creatures. In this guide,

A Step-by-Step Guide to Building Your Own Raised Garden Bed

A Step-by-Step Guide to Building Your Own Raised Garden Bed Raised garden beds are a fantastic way to optimize gardening space, improve soil quality, and make gardening more accessible. Whether you’re a seasoned gardener or just starting out, building your own raised garden bed can be a rewarding project. In this blog, we’ll provide a

Understanding the Difference Between Plant Food and Fertilizer

Understanding the Difference Between Plant Food and Fertilizer As gardeners, we often hear terms like “plant food” and “fertilizer” thrown around interchangeably, but they represent distinct concepts with different purposes and compositions. In this blog, we’ll delve into the nuances between plant food and fertilizer, explore the breakdown of macronutrients in fertilizers, and discuss the

A Guide to Eliminating Pesky Insects from Your Houseplants

A Guide to Eliminating Pesky Insects from Your Houseplants picture from Houseplants bring nature indoors, providing beauty and a breath of fresh air. However, the presence of fungus gnats can quickly turn this tranquil environment into a frustrating experience. These small, flying insects are attracted to the moist conditions of potted plants, and their

All About Ficus

All About Ficus While many people only know the Fiddle Leaf Fig as a ficus, many more species are included in this broad genus. Eight hundred fifty species, to be exact! Keep reading to learn all about ficus and a few of Jane’s favorite species in this genus! Fiddle Leaf Fig Perhaps the most popular

Poinsettia Care Tips

Poinsettia Care Tips Poinsettias are a part of the Christmas tradition, almost as much as the Christmas tree! The poinsettia can serve as decor around your home or as a thoughtful and vibrant hostess gift! Read below to learn poinsettia care tips that you can follow to guarantee that your poinsettia survives! Watering As always,

December Gardening Tips

December Gardening Tips Many of your plants are going into hibernation, but that doesn’t mean you can go into hibernation, too. As usual, there is always work to be done when it comes to your yard. Keep reading our December gardening tips to stay on task during the winter! Do I need to fertilize during

How to Make a Pumpkin Planter

How to Make a Pumpkin Planter Pumpkins can serve as a great fall decor piece! The options with pumpkins are limitless! These staple fall decorations can be stacked on porch stairs and carved to be used as a luminary. Pumpkins can even be used as a planter to hold beautiful fall annuals. Continue reading to

All About Dieffenbachias

All About Dieffenbachias Dieffenbachias are a staple to any houseplant hobbyist’s collection. Commonly known as Dumbcane, dieffenbachia contains a toxin in its sap, which can cause drooling and mouth numbness if ingested. It is important to note that while this is a popular houseplant, it is not good to have if you have children or

Fall Lawn Care Tips for Fayetteville, NC

Fall Lawn Care Tips for Fayetteville, NC Maintaining your lawn is a year-long endeavor. While many of the laborious tasks occur during the growing season, there is still work to be done during the fall. Continue reading to learn how to keep your lawn thriving with fall lawn care tips for Fayetteville, NC. Don’t Put