Pruning Crape Myrtles

Pruning Crape Myrtles Driving around town, one will notice the “Crape Murder” committed year after year. Unfortunately, it is a misconception that the correct way to prune Crape Myrtles is to aggressively “hack” them back. This, however, is incorrect and will have long-term effects on your beautiful Crape Myrtle. Pruning Crape Myrtles does not take

Preparing Houseplants for Winter

Preparing Houseplants for Winter If you are like most houseplant owners, you probably moved your houseplants outdoors during the growing season to allow them to soak up more sun and moisture. Your plants have flourished and given you so much new growth, but now it is time to bring them indoors for the winter. Continue

All About Bog Plants

All About Bog Plants Bog plants, also known as carnivorous plants, are native to North and South Carolina. They can be found in and around the swamps of North Carolina. Continue reading to learn all about bog plants! Native to North Carolina Carnivorous plants can be found in the swamps of eastern North Carolina. Some

Top 4 Low Light Houseplants

Growing houseplants in a house or room with minimal natural light can be a challenging task. But, you are in luck! Here are our top 4 picks for low light houseplants that will thrive with minimal light!   Sansevieria (Snake Plant, Mother-in-Law’s Tongue) This plant is as good as it gets for a houseplant! While

Air Purifying Houseplants

Air Purifying Houseplants I always said working at the greenhouse I was breathing the cleanest air in town. It is true; plants are good for our mental health, and they are pleasing to the eye. Bonus, they clean our environment. Check out these little air purifying houseplants: Aloe Vera This plant is commonly known for its