November Gardening Tips

November Gardening Tips It is the most wonderful time of the year…almost! Before the Christmas season is upon us, there are some chores to be accomplished outdoors! Continue reading to learn our November gardening tips! Rake, Rake, Rake, & Rake Some More! ‘Tis the season to rake leaves! While the fall foliage can be beautiful

Fall is For Planting in Fayetteville, NC

Fall is For Planting in Fayetteville, NC It is a common misconception that spring is the optimal time to plant in Fayetteville, NC. While spring is a good time to plant annuals and perennials, there is an even better season for planting trees and shrubs! Believe it or not, fall is the absolute best time

Fall Lawn Care Tips for Fayetteville, NC

Fall Lawn Care Tips for Fayetteville, NC Maintaining your lawn is a year-long endeavor. While many of the laborious tasks occur during the growing season, there is still work to be done during the fall. Continue reading to learn how to keep your lawn thriving with fall lawn care tips for Fayetteville, NC. Don’t Put

Pet Friendly Houseplants

Pet Friendly Houseplants Have you ever noticed animal people are also plant people!? While this is a common theme, having pets and plants inside your home can also be challenging. Some pets, such as cats, love to chew on plants and leaves. If you are an avid plant lover, this can be problematic, as many

Caring for Houseplants Through the Winter

Caring for Houseplants Through the Winter Fall is here, which means winter is peaking around the corner! If you are a houseplant collector, you might bring all your plants indoors for the winter. Moving plants inside during the winter means changing how you care for them. Continue reading to learn more about Caring for Houseplants

October Gardening Tips

October Gardening Tips Ah, yes, the beginning of Fall. We North Carolinians love the fall season. For us, it means less humidity and less heat. But, unfortunately, we will still experience 80-degree days for several more weeks even though the rest of the country is “falling” into colorful leaves, pumpkins, flannels, and everything Fall. Until

How to Care for Fall Mums

How to Care for Fall Mums Fall is a beautiful time of year in North Carolina. The leaves are beginning to change, the days are becoming cooler, and we get to decorate with pumpkins, hay bales, and mums! But often, customers purchase mums not knowing how to care for them! Continue reading to learn how

September Garden Tips

September Garden Tips Labor Day Weekend is the official end of summer. For some, this is a sad time, which involves leaving behind weekends at the beach full of the ocean, sun, and cookouts. And for others, Labor Day indicates that cooler temperatures, pumpkins, and fall plantings are right around the corner! If you are

Houseplants for Beginners

Houseplants for Beginners When beginning your houseplant collection, it is best to start with houseplants that are easy and simple to take care of. Once you have mastered the art of caring for houseplants, you may move on to more challenging plants, like the Fiddle Leaf Fig. If you are a novice plant parent or

Summer Flower Care

Summer Flower Care It is that time of year when your flowers begin to look tired. It is hot, and your flowers aren’t as happy as they once were. While the growing season is almost over, you can still revive your flowers to give them extra life. Continue reading to learn about summer flower care.