How to Care for Roses

Roses in the Garden

Garden Roses

Roses are a staple to all gardens; however, they can be very intimidating! While we know that roses can be overwhelming at first, we know that you will enjoy to fruits of your labor once you learn more about their care and maintenance. In this blog post, we will explain how to care for roses, how to nourish Roses with used coffee grounds, and how to prevent black spot.

Coffee Grounds

using coffee ground

Apply Used Coffee Grounds to Roses

Roses enjoy neutral to acidic soil. Using coffee grounds in your soil will add nitrogen, and increase its acidity. Grounds mixed into your soil will help loosen it, making it easier for the roots to stretch feed, and grow. BEWARE of how many coffee grounds you are using. Like everything in life, moderation is key.

How do we use old coffee grounds? There are a few applications you can try.

  • You may add 1/2 pound of coffee to five gallons of water, and water the roses twice a month with this solution.
  • Add coffee grounds to your compost, and add your compost to the roses.
  • For the easiest application, just sprinkle 1 to ½ cups around the base of the plant with the soil.

Roses & Black Spot

black spot & roses

Black Spot on Rose Leaves

When conditions are hot, humid, or rainy, a fungal disease called Black Spot may appear on your rose stems and leaves. Here in North Carolina, hot and humid is our average summer climate.

How do we prevent black spot?
Keep rose growing conditions less inviting for black spot growth by keeping them in the sun and pruned. This fungus is easier to prevent than it is to cure. Just watering flowers with diseased leaves will spread the fungus. Wind will spread the fungus. Take time to remove all the infected leaves and stems to help stop the spreading of spores.

Roses prefer a sunny location with well-draining soil. They like airflow. Give them plenty of space to grow and keep the bushes pruned to maintain density. Roses don’t want to have wet leaves.  Water them close to the base of the plant.

If you have the unfortunate battle with the black spot here, this is what we would like you to know.

  • Remove the infected leaves from the rose bush. Bag them up, close the bag, and put it in the trash can with a lid. These cuttings are NOT compost material. Spores remain on leaves and reinfect plants in the area.
  • Black Spot spores spread by water and wind.
  • Within ten days of the first symptoms, the disease has already started to spread.
  • Prune out any signs of infection. Cut 6 – 8 inches BELOW the infection.
  • Prune in dry weather. Disinfect your pruners with a 10% bleach solution or alcohol, between EVERY CUT!


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