What’s Eating My Plants?

What’s Eating My Plants?

As the growing season progresses, we tend to see more and more insects. In some cases, these insects can be pests! Many of these insects enjoy eating our newly plants hostas, vegetables, and blooming crape myrtles. In this video of What’s Eating My Plants, Jane discusses and identifies some common pests that you will likely see in your garden. Continue reading to learn how to prevent and control these pests!

Japanese Beetles

Japanese Beetles are a beautiful insect, but boy can they ruin a tree! They can create holes throughout a plant. These overzealous beetles travel and feed together. Many times, where there is one, there are many! They tend to gather and feed in the morning. One easy way of removing them without the use of chemicals is to shake the tree where they are congregating. This will disrupt there feeding and hopefully disperse them. However, you may have a significant infestation, and shaking the tree will not fix the problem. If this is the case, you may need to resort to chemicals, such as Sevin, malathion, and even a Japanese Beetle bag. When using all chemicals, be sure to read and follow the directions on the container.


While these little guys are cute as a button, they have a massive appetite and can ruin your vegetable plants. These insects tend to eat the edge of leaves, leaving behind a serrated edge. Again, Sevin will work well to eliminate these insects. If you would like to go the organic route, consider using Diatomaceous Earth.


Unlike the other insects already listed, slugs come out at night. While this can make them difficult to identify, they do leave behind a slimy trail! These insects also tend to eat the middle of leaves, just to the sides of the main vein. There are a couple of ways to eliminate slugs. Sluggo is a great option, as it baits and kills the slugs. It is also safe to use around pets as it contains iron phosphate, which naturally occurs in the soil!

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