Poinsettia Care Tips
Poinsettias are a part of the Christmas tradition, almost as much as the Christmas tree! The poinsettia can serve as decor around your home or as a thoughtful and vibrant hostess gift! Read below to learn poinsettia care tips that you can follow to guarantee that your poinsettia survives!
As always, be sure not to overwater! Overwatering is the number one way to kill your poinsettia. Your finger is The most accessible tool to determine if your poinsettia needs to be watered! Stick your finger into the soil about one inch. The poinsettia does not need to be watered if your finger is wet. You may also pick up the plant to feel the weight. If the plant is light, chances are, the poinsettia needs to be water. Remember to remove the foil pot cover before you water to allow the water to drain completely through the pot. Do not allow your poinsettia to sit in water; this plant does not like wet feet!
Leaf Drop
What causes it? Leaf drop can occur for many reasons. The poinsettia may get too wet or become too dry or may not be getting enough light. It is essential to place your poinsettia in bright, indirect light to ensure that it thrives. Leaf drop generally occurs when the plant is not getting what it needs!
A Stressed Poinsettia
Yes, plants become stressed, just like us! Stress may occur due to uneven watering or light conditions that it may not like. To guarantee the growth and survival of your poinsettia, place your plant in the proper location, inside and away from a vent. Also, monitor your watering.
Christmas is Over, Now What?
If you are keen on keeping your poinsettia after Christmas, you should know a couple of things. First, you may place poinsettias outside once the temperatures are consistently above 60 degrees. Place them in bright, indirect sun and continue to monitor the watering. Secondly, you must bring in the poinsettia around September or October to begin the leaf-turning process. To achieve the red bracts, you must place the poinsettia in a completely dark room, such as a closet, for 13 hours daily. Be sure to take them out of the darkness for the other 11 hours of the day. Continue this cycle for about two months.
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