Author Archives: whitney

Top Five Full Sun Perennials for Fayetteville, NC

Top Five Full Sun Perennials for Fayetteville, NC Fayetteville, NC, with its warm climate and ample sunshine, offers an ideal environment for cultivating a stunning garden filled with vibrant perennials. Whether you’re an experienced gardener or just starting out, incorporating full-sun perennials into your landscape can add beauty and charm year after year. In this

March Gardening Tips

March Gardening Tips With spring on the horizon, anticipation fills the air. Soon, you’ll find yourself in your yard, basking in the sunshine and tending to your garden. But before rushing into April, remember the significance of March for prepping and nurturing your outdoor space. Here are essential March gardening tips to kickstart your season!

The Top Early Spring Blooming Plants

The Top Early Spring Blooming Plants As you take a drive around town, the signs of spring are unmistakable – shrubs and trees bursting into bloom! After a long winter, witnessing these early blossoms is a sight to behold, filling us with anticipation for the vibrant season ahead. Here are our picks for the top

A Step-by-Step Guide to Building Your Own Raised Garden Bed

A Step-by-Step Guide to Building Your Own Raised Garden Bed Raised garden beds are a fantastic way to optimize gardening space, improve soil quality, and make gardening more accessible. Whether you’re a seasoned gardener or just starting out, building your own raised garden bed can be a rewarding project. In this blog, we’ll provide a

Understanding the Difference Between Plant Food and Fertilizer

Understanding the Difference Between Plant Food and Fertilizer As gardeners, we often hear terms like “plant food” and “fertilizer” thrown around interchangeably, but they represent distinct concepts with different purposes and compositions. In this blog, we’ll delve into the nuances between plant food and fertilizer, explore the breakdown of macronutrients in fertilizers, and discuss the

February Gardening Tips: Maximizing Your Garden’s Potential

February Gardening Tips: Maximizing Your Garden’s Potential As February unfolds, signs of life start to emerge in the garden, teasing us with the promise of spring. Even as winter stubbornly holds its grip, there’s plenty of groundwork to tackle to ensure your garden thrives when warmer days finally arrive. Here are some essential February gardening

A Guide to Eliminating Pesky Insects from Your Houseplants

A Guide to Eliminating Pesky Insects from Your Houseplants picture from Houseplants bring nature indoors, providing beauty and a breath of fresh air. However, the presence of fungus gnats can quickly turn this tranquil environment into a frustrating experience. These small, flying insects are attracted to the moist conditions of potted plants, and their

Your Complete Guide to Amaryllis Care

Your Complete Guide to Amaryllis Care Amaryllis, which means sparkle, is one of the classic flowers of Christmas and winter. Originating from South Africa, the amaryllis is a bulb. Often, amaryllis bulb kits are sold at garden centers and purchased and gifted as a spectacular Christmas gift! This guide will explore the various stages of

The Top 3 Winter Blooming Plants

The Top 3 Winter Blooming Plants Winter is a tough time of year for your garden and landscape. Your yard is brown and barren, and spring feels so far away. Fortunately, many winter-blooming plants thrive exceptionally well in our Fayetteville, NC growing zone. Continue reading to learn the top 3 winter blooming plants! Mahonia Mahonia