The 4 Best Plants for Shade
Planting for shade can be a frustrating and challenging task. Sometimes it seems that all the bright, vibrant flowers and plants are reserved strictly for full sun! While flowers may not be in abundance with shade plants, the colorful foliage of shade plants is well worth the trade-off! Need help selecting plants for a shady garden? Check out the 4 best plants for shade below:
Japanese Maple
While the Japanese Maple may seem ordinary, it is certainly anything but that! Japanese Maples come in a variety of colors and sizes. Some have red foliage, while others have variegated foliage. Some Japanese Maples even have a bright-colored bark (Coral Bark Japanese Maple)! When planning a design with a Japanese Maple, but sure to make it the focal point of the design. Also, select a variety that grows to fit the location where you wish to plant it!
We love hostas! Another favorite among the Green Side Up staff, hostas add a lush feeling to all partial t0 full shade landscapes! Hostas also come in many varieties. To create the ultimate hosta garden, be sure to add contrasting colors and sizes. With variegated, yellow, greenish-blue, and green hostas available, creating a lush garden will be simple. Hostas are herbaceous perennials, which means they will come back every year.
Ferns are a must in all shade gardens! Some ferns are called “flowering ferns,” as they will produce fertile fronds that are a contrasting color. When shopping for ferns, be sure to select ferns that are perennials and not tropicals.
As far as variety goes, heucheras have the most color of any shade perennial available! Much like a hosta garden, you can easily create a garden of just heuchera! Purple, chartreuse, honey/gold, red, and green are just a few of the colors that are available. Among the varying colors, heucheras also come in varying heights! Heucheras are herbaceous perennials, which means they will come back every year.
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