American citizens are privileged to have access to clean and quality treated drinking water. The EPA regulates drinking water standards and monitors water supply facilities.
Under the Safe Drinking Water Act, all water supply facilities are required to issue an annual report describing the source and quality of water being distributed to consumers. Things to look out for in your drinking water include lead, arsenic (for residents living in the Southwest United States), organic and inorganic pollutants. Most water has been treated with chlorine to kill harmful viruses and bacteria. One downside to the overuse of chlorine includes harmful effects chlorine byproducts have on the human body, which increases the risk of cancer. The EPA set new regulations in 2001, lessening the overall amount of chlorine used. Filtering the water before drinking or washing can also help separate harmful contaminants from your main water source. Installing a water filtration system is the best way to eliminate harmful contaminants.
Water filtration systems.
There are two major systems that may be used in households to remove certain contaminants: “Point of entry” and “Point of use” systems. Point of entry systems are used on the outside of the house filtering most of the water being used for household purposes. Point of use systems are filters used directly on faucets for kitchen or bathroom use. These include: faucets with attached or built-in filters and under the sink filters. The most effective form of water filtration is a reverse-osmosis system. These systems will filter out lead, toxic metals, and other harmful contaminants.
You can take specific steps throughout your landscape maintenance routine to minimize water consumption and protect natural water sources from becoming contaminated. Be sure to properly dispose of any chemicals or pesticides being used in your yard and take precautions to use the correct amounts. Send any land contamination inquiries and notifications to your local municipal government. You may also research further information regarding your region at the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Other references for drinking water notifications include the National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) International, Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
Remember your house plants also need healthy water.